Sunday, May 31, 2015
Playing with the Fire of Terrorism
Holes in the Neocons’ Syrian Story
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Egypt’s Descent into Despotism
Indoctrinator-In-Chief On A Climate Change Rampage
The indoctrinator-in-chief has been on a literal rampage over the past month suggesting that climate change is the cause of..well nearly everything. One wonders how he sleeps at night worrying about such lofty and pressing issues.
As the coast guard article points out Obama has been omnipresent as a climate change apostle this month suggesting that it leads to global instability, poverty, environmental devastation, harm to animals, risks to national security, and is an insidious danger to general health. He is actually beginning to sound like Chicken Little- The sky is surely falling tomorrow if we don’t agree to the globalist climate change agenda. See bolded “Chicken Little” passage. While most American’s yawn over “climate change” and would rather discuss the bizarre Kardashian world, the indoctrinator-in-chief has done his best to whip the world up-or at least the brain-dead masses-into a frenzied panic.
Yesterday Obama suggested that “we weave climate change into science and social studies lessons because kids instinctively understand the importance of environment, impact on animals, health”, when asked how teachers should approach discussing climate change in a classroom setting. Of course no one wants free-thinkers or gasp, “climate skeptics” slipping through the cracks of the educational system so the children need to be bombarded from every academic discipline. Leave no stone unturned in the holy mission to indoctrinate children with fear mongering messages about a non-existent threat.
The origins of the “settled science number (97% of experts agree) that he continually repeats is examined below. Remember of course that repetition is essential to all phases of indoctrination. All authorities should seem to be in full agreement so that dissenters can be castigated and mocked.
Climate change: Mr. Obama, 97 percent of experts is a bogus number
Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: Climate change is real, man-made and dangerous. President Obama tweeted that, and it has been repeated by countless others. It is tempting for a politician to claim that 97 percent of experts agree with you. But do they?
The paper is a treasure trove of how-not-to lessons for a graduate class on survey design and analysis: the sample was not representative, statistical tests were ignored, and the results were misinterpreted.
What was an incompetent piece of research has become a highly influential study, its many errors covered up.
Some of the mistakes in the study should be obvious to all. There are hundreds of papers on the causes of climate change, and thousands of papers on the impacts of climate change and climate policy. Cook focused on the latter. A paper on the impact of a carbon tax on emissions was taken as evidence that the world is warming. A paper on the impact of climate change on the Red Panda was taken as evidence that humans caused this warming. And even a paper on the television coverage of climate change was seen by Cook as proof that carbon dioxide is to blame.
The trouble does not end there. Cook has been reluctant to share his data for others to scrutinize. He has claimed that some data are protected by confidentiality agreements, even when they are not. He was claimed that some data were not collected, even when they were. The paper claims that each abstract was read by two independent readers, but they freely compared notes. Cook and Co. collected data, inspected the results, collected more data, inspected the results again, changed their data classification, collected yet more data, inspected the results once more, and changed their data classification again, before they found their magic 97 percent. People who express concern about the method have been smeared.
We would hope that the president of the United States of America does not spend time checking such trivia. That is the job of the editor of the journal, Dan Kammen of the University of California at Berkeley, who unfortunately has chosen to ignore all issues I and others raised about them. Similarly, the journal’s publisher, the Institute of Physics, and Cook’s employer, the University of Queensland, have turned a deaf ear to my concerns. What was an incompetent piece of research has become a highly influential study, its many errors covered up.
Obama warns Coast Guard cadets global warming a national security threat
At a time when the U.S. military is facing threats on multiple fronts — most immediately, the advances of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, where the terror group recently seized Ramadi — President Obama told U.S. Coast Guard Academy graduates that climate change needs to be added to that list of threats.
“This is not just a problem for countries on the coast or for certain regions of the world. Climate change will impact every country on the planet. No nation is immune,” the president said. “So I am here today to say that climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk to our national security, and, make no mistake, it will impact how our military defends our country. And so we need to act — and we need to act now.”
The president delivered the message at the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn.
The president in recent months has pressed for action on global warming as a matter of health, as a matter of environmental protection and as a matter of international obligation.
He even couched it as a family matter, linking it to the worry he felt when one of his daughters had an asthma attack as a preschooler.
His speech to the cadets, by contrast, focused on what the Obama administration says are immediate risks to national security, including contributing to more natural disasters that result in humanitarian crises and potential new flows of refugees. Further, the president said he sees climate change aggravating poverty and social tensions that can fuel instability and foster terrorist activity and other violence.
Obama said the cadets would be part of the first generation of officers to begin their service in a world where it is increasingly clear that “climate change will shape how every one of our services plan, operate, train, equip and protect their infrastructure.”
As for the impact in the U.S., Obama pointed to streets in Miami and Charleston, S.C., that flood at high tide and to military bases around the country already feeling negative effects.
“Around Norfolk, high tides and storms increasingly flood parts of our Navy base and an air base,” Obama said of military facilities in Virginia. “In Alaska, thawing permafrost is damaging military facilities. Out West, deeper droughts and longer wildfires could threaten training areas our troops depend on.”
The post Indoctrinator-In-Chief On A Climate Change Rampage appeared first on PropagandaGuard.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Is War on ISIS America’s Fight?
Thursday, May 28, 2015
A Reckless ‘Stand-upper’ on MH-17
Resurgence of the ‘Surge’ Myth
GOP War-Mongering Back in Style
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Neocons: The Men of Dementia
Israel’s Looming War on Lebanon
Persecution of CIA’s Jeffrey Sterling
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
More Video Fakery on MH-17
Monday, May 25, 2015
Blocking a Nuclear-Free Mideast
Saudis Eye Human Rights Chair
Sunday, May 24, 2015
How to Honor Memorial Day
One More Casualty of US Wars
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Gay Convassing Doesn’t Result In Amazing Attitude Change-They Made It Up
The Washington Post tried to spin the embarrassing news of scientific fraud overseen by an influential member of the academic community in a extremely prestigious journal (Science) today into a win by stating “the scientific process worked. In fact, those of us who teach undergraduates how to do science had just been handed a valuable story that we can tell in the classroom for years.”
A glass-half-full view of academic fraud in political science – The Washington Post
A glass-half-full view of academic fraud in political science – The Washington Post Wednesday was interesting for political scientists. Our social media feeds were full of angst in response to the news that a very influential member of our discipline had requested a retraction of a very widely reported finding published by a very prestigious journal on which he had been a co-author. The data upon which the finding rested appear to have been fraudulently produced. Thus, a process of shaming has begun. It is a necessary process. Yet it misses a very important part of the story: science actually worked.
Not much political science research gets major coverage in outlets like Bloomberg, The Washington Post and “This American Life.” The now retracted finding did (here, here, and here), and that is partly because it was published in a journal that all scientists — not just social scientists — read. A retraction of an article published in such an outlet is major scientific news, and to the best of my knowledge, no political science article has ever been retracted from such a publication. And because some U.S. lawmakers oppose funding for political science research, people are particularly concerned that this “black eye” will contribute to such critiques.
Unfortunately, scientists turn out to be human beings, which is to say some of us are just as likely to succumb to temptation (cheat, commit fraud, etc.) as any other large collection of human beings. Indeed, we have norms against such behavior precisely because such behavior is tempting. Were it not, or were we a collection of ethically pure humans, the norms would be unnecessary.
Hearing that scientists are no better or worse than other collections of humanity, one might wonder whether the results reported in scientific journals are trustworthy. This is why transparency is so important: making publicly available all of the information required to replicate the research. And the retraction that has gotten everyone’s attention is the outcome of the transparency required by scientific journals.
First of all, oversight by a hightly regarded professional was severely lacking. The study included 9507 respondents who were each supposedly paid $10 each, plus $2 for a referral and $5 more for the follow up surveys. Dr. Donald Green, a big deal in political science circles was Michael Lacour’s advisor and evidently found nothing odd about a graduate student securing funding to the tune of at least 95K? (Turns out-there was no funding) Also lesser-know researchers than professor Green, found the data to be “too perfect” and began to ask questions. Did Dr Green even look at the raw data and if not, why?
Second of all, failure of the peer review process in a prestigious journal is disturbing. Peer reviews are the front line against fraud. Let’s be frank replicating a study isn’t half as fun as doing new innovative research and so the vast majority of studies will never be replicated. It seems to me highly likely that if you manage to slip past the peer review process, chances are good that your dirty deed will never get exposed. This is akin to crossing the southern U.S.border, where once past the border patrol you are mostly home free.
The Post author would like you to believe that the integrity of science is exceptionally strong. In reality however things are much worse than the half-full analogy shared by the Post. As recently as this past March, the Post showed a much different story about the state of academic integrity with the following story.
Major publisher retracts 43 scientific papers amid wider fake peer-review scandal
Via A major publisher of scholarly medical and science articles has retracted 43 papers because of “fabricated” peer reviews amid signs of a broader fake peer review racket affecting many more publications.
The publisher is BioMed Central, based in the United Kingdom, which puts out 277 peer-reviewed journals. A partial list of the retracted articles suggests most of them were written by scholars at universities in China. But Jigisha Patel, associate editorial director for research integrity at BioMed Central, said it’s not “a China problem. We get a lot of robust research of China. We see this as a broader problem of how scientists are judged.”
Meanwhile, the Committee on Publication Ethics, a multidisciplinary group that includes more than 9,000 journal editors, issued a statement suggesting a much broader potential problem. The committee, it said, “has become aware of systematic, inappropriate attempts to manipulate the peer review processes of several journals across different publishers.” Those journals are now reviewing manuscripts to determine how many may need to be retracted, it said.
Peer review is the vetting process designed to guarantee the integrity of scholarly articles by having experts read them and approve or disapprove them for publication. With researchers increasingly desperate for recognition, citations and professional advancement, the whole peer-review system has come under scrutiny in recent years for a host of flaws and irregularities, ranging from lackadaisical reviewing to cronyism to outright fraud.
“The problem of fake peer reviewers is affecting the whole of academic journal publishing and we are among the ranks of publishers hit by this type of fraud,” Patel of BioMed’s ethics group wrote in November. “The spectrum of ‘fakery’ has ranged from authors suggesting their friends who agree in advance to provide a positive review, to elaborate peer review circles where a group of authors agree to peer review each others’ manuscripts, to impersonating real people, and to generating completely fictitious characters. From what we have discovered amongst our journals, it appears to have reached a higher level of sophistication. The pattern we have found, where there is no apparent connection between the authors but similarities between the suggested reviewers, suggests that a third party could be behind this sophisticated fraud.”
So can we conclude from these two articles that those who are committing these academic sins are propagandists attempting to sway the masses with fraudulent science? No, more research is needed for that. Following the grant money however will usually reveal significant insights as to whether the fraud is simply the brainchild of a lone academic bent on climbing the ladder and desperate for published articles or a financed plan through grant money to influences masses of people in predetermined directions. (See EPA study masked as a independent peer reviewed study) In this case the unusually large size of the grant purportedly secured by a grad student should have caused some warning bells to go off.
“Science” is the indisputable God-term that cannot be challenged or assailed. “Settled science says” is the mantra of the uber-propagandist who insists that dialogue and critiques be silenced. True science is never truly settled.
Here’s the news that shockingly does not get reported in the American Media about global manipulation of climate data . Hear the crickets yup that is our news media doing their job making sure that anything upsetting to the narrative of climate change be memory holed.
Never be bullied by the propagandist as he gets all indignant that the science is unassailable and …that is is settled.
See Science as Propaganda Lesson #1 for more insights
The post Gay Convassing Doesn’t Result In Amazing Attitude Change-They Made It Up appeared first on PropagandaGuard.
Obama Winks at Terrorist Gains
Why Islamic State Is Winning
Israel Seeks International Law Rewrite
Friday, May 22, 2015
Drone Warfare’s Costs and Benefits
The MH-17 Propaganda War
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Obama’s Strategic Shift
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Osama Bin Laden Was a 9/11 Truther
False Comparison of N. Korea to Iran
Israel’s Plan to Kill Lebanese Civilians
Watch Live: Rand Paul Filibusters Patriot Act
House Democrat Introduces Gun Registry Bill
You Won’t Believe How Clinton Finally Breaks Her Silence
Senior DHS Official Charged With Assaulting Juvenile Remains in Key Position
Major Lawsuit Targets Monsanto for Selling Cancer-Linked Herbicide
Over 1,400 suspects investigated in UK historical sex abuse inquiry
Obama’s Ugly Show of Presidential Petulance
FBI Speaks To High School Students About ISIS Recruitment Threat
Nebraska Death Penalty Repealed
WH: Despite ‘Areas of Setback,’ Obama’s Anti-ISIL Strategy Is ‘Overall Success’
The Obama-Boehner-McConnell ‘Fast Track’ to a Poorer America
Chicago Public Schools mistakenly gives out personal info on 4,000 students
Teacher suspended after stomping on American flag in class
As Another Accusation Bites the Dust, Columbia Rape Saga Takes New Turn
UPS to Pay $25M to Settle Fed Whistleblower Case
Russia Promises Response to US Missile Defense Systems in Ukraine
Israel to ‘anti-vaxxers': No vaccination, no child support
North Korea modified submarine missile launch photos, says U.S. official
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US May Sink Iranian Humanitarian Ship Headed for Yemen
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You Be the Judge
Los Angeles City Council Raises Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour
Missouri Cop Blows Whistle on City
How Government Inaction Ended the Depression of 1921
Pennsylvania judge bars release of police shooting video before trial
Exclusive: House Benghazi panel subpoenas former Clinton White House aide
Obama set to speed arms shipments, training for Iraq tribes
Supreme Court Strikes Down Maryland’s Draconian Double Tax
Call of Duty increases risk of Alzheimer’s disease
FTC sues four cancer charities over $187 million scam
Political Expert: Democratic Convention Like a Socialist Grocery Store
Christians, Now Is Probably A Good Time To Stop Watching “Game of Thrones”
Over the course of the last couple of years, I’ve gotten many emails from people asking my opinion of Christians watching “Game of Thrones.”
Here it is.
Of course, “Game of Thrones” isn’t the whole issue, just one example. In general, many of us have become pretty permissive and lackadaisical about the media we choose to consume, and I think it’s a worthy and important thing to discuss. I’m bringing it up now because, apparently, the show aired another explicit rape scene this past weekend, and now even some progressives and secularists are awakening to the fact that it’s probably not healthy or constructive to feast your eyes on violence and sex every day of your life.
One important note: I know people take their entertainment very, very seriously, and any attempt to offer a moral critique of any show or movie will always result in accusations of being “holier than thou.” But to reiterate what I say in this post, I’m not holier than anyone. I struggle with guarding myself against problematic media content just as much as you do. I’ve always been a big movie fan, and though I don’t watch TV shows as often, there are some that I really enjoy quite a bit. Unfortunately, some of the most talented writers and actors dedicate themselves to producing some of the worst garbage. But the garbage is put together really well and sometimes has a compelling story around it, so the temptation to watch can be strong.
I get that. But that doesn’t change the reality of the situation. GoT might be a well made show, but it’s also a pornographic, morally debased show. The porn and moral debasement aren’t less harmful just because the people who put it all together are exceptionally skilled. If anything, that only make it more harmful. Here’s why:
The post Christians, Now Is Probably A Good Time To Stop Watching “Game of Thrones” appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
China: Five months pregnant woman ordered to have abortion
US Declassifies Osama Bin Laden Docs as PATRIOT Act Set to Expire
Thug Tells Whites: Bow Down to Blacks, You’re All Gonna Die
Wisconsin Sheriff: ‘It Is a Myth That Police Kill Black Males in Greater Numbers Than Anyone Else’
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Tuesday, May 19, 2015
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White House Offers Plan To Save Bees
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Punishing Poland for US Crimes
Two Dozen Rally After Grand Jury Clears Officer In Shooting Death
Drivers Say Insurance Device Put Them In Danger On The Road
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Defense, State Department Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance
State Department reveals Hillary Clinton received $500K worth of jewelry from Saudi king
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Federal Judge Says DC Gun Carry Law is Unconstitutional
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Monday, May 18, 2015
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Infowars #BlackLivesMatter Planned Parenthood Protest Announced
Caught on Tape: Cop Tosses Football with Kids
Fake Evidence Blaming Russia for MH-17?
Renowned Experts Warn of Slow-Motion Financial Collapse
Texas Legislators Reduce Penalty For Guns At Airports
School Sparks Outrage After Isolating Student in Frigid Solitary Confinement
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GCHQ spies given immunity from anti-hacking laws
Neomasculinity: The Male Backlash Against Toxic Women
Supreme Court Strikes Down Maryland Income Tax Law
Video: What happens When a Family Eats Only Organic for Two Weeks
What Everybody Ought to Know About Nazi Propaganda Films
“Forbidden Films: The Hidden Legacy of Nazi Film,” is a documentary that considers the legacy of the Third Reich’s propaganda films. Movies have been used for quite some time as vehicles for propaganda messages and are extremely powerful because many of the most dangerous messages can simply bypass the rational faculties of the viewer. For those interested in viewing clips of the films combined with insightful commentary, this may be just the thing. Just remember that America has her own propaganda films from WWI and WWII
Review: ‘Forbidden Films’ Details Nazi Propaganda
Via “Jud Suss” is among 40-odd Nazi productions that cannot be exhibited in Germany without the presence of scholarly context. The director of “Forbidden Films,” Felix Moeller, provides that context with this survey of the Nazis’ film output, which was pro-German and anti everyone else – Jews, French, British, Polish. He layers clips from the films with reactions from German professionals (a historian, a filmmaker), audiences today (German and Israeli) and, shrouded in shadow, neo-Nazis.
It’s a sober treatment of sobering material. If the Nazis have been viewed as especially horrific because they arose within a highly developed Western culture, their propaganda films in turn offer the shock of seeing a popular modern form of art and entertainment being employed to incite and justify hatred and violence. Mr. Moeller, who also directed a film about the director of “Jud Suss,” seems to lean toward not suppressing these films, but even their nuance-free scenes of chest-thumping Nazi pilots and homeland-loving hausfraus remain uncomfortable to watch.
This is a documentary fascinated with and fearful of cinema’s potency, but it’s also devoted to the idea of open discourse, a stance that underlines the urgency of thinking about film critically.
The post What Everybody Ought to Know About Nazi Propaganda Films appeared first on PropagandaGuard.
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The Value of Effective Government
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The DEA Strikes Again – Agents Seize Man’s Life Savings Under Civil Asset Forfeiture Without Charges
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Sunday, May 17, 2015
William & Mary Honors War Criminal
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Iraq war judged a mistake by today’s White House hopefuls
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Former Obama CIA chief: Foreign governments have Hillary’s emails
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Military pushes for emergency robots as skeptics worry about lethal uses
Leading German Keynesian Economist Calls For Cash Ban
Saturday, May 16, 2015
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Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sentenced to death despite appeals for mercy
US Claims Its Commandos Killed Senior ISIS Leader in Syria
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FBI to probe whether crashed Amtrak train was hit or shot at
Boston Marathon bomber Tsarnaev sentenced to death for 2013 attack
Friday, May 15, 2015
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Judgement NSA Violates Unconstitutional Patriot Act
Chicago Man: Cops Brought Me to Secret Prison, Anally Raped Me to Force Me to be an Informant
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Award-Winning Director: Pentagon Could Bomb RT, Start World War III
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California State Senate OKs bill ending waiver from vaccine mandate
The Phony ‘Bad Intel’ Defense on Iraq
Drought Blamed on Irreversible “Climate Change” Ends After Rainfall
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N.C. Man Given 20 Years for Trying to Help ISIL
Why Synthetic Vitamins Should Be Avoided Whenever Possible
Senate Reverses Course and Advances TPP Fast Track Bill
Lawmakers may seek to override governor’s veto of gun reform bill, again
Report finds majority of cop killers had guns illegally
Greatest Threat to Free Speech Comes Not From Terrorism, But From Those Claiming to Fight It
North Carolina Woman Being Evicted From Her Own Land For Living in Tent
SURVEY: White students more likely to be bullied than minorities
Losing the American Republic
The Bigfoot of Terrorists is Lost at Sea
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How the Media Spins Story of Russian Soldiers In Ukraine
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Barbarians at the gates: Syria says ISIS approaching ancient city of Palmyra
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Is The Dam Bursting?
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UK Prime Minister David Cameron Proclaims – It’s Not Enough to Follow the Law, You Must Love Big Brother
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Stephen Hawking Agrees With Alex Jones
Marines Subdue Citizens at Internment Camp Drill
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Jesse Ventura & Alex Jones: The Police State
House Bill Seeks to Eliminate Online Ammo Sales
The Cruel Punishment of Jeffrey Sterling
Netanyahu’s Narrow Right-Wing Majority
Report: National Guard, Police Gearing Up for Potential Cleveland Race Riots
Corrections Officers Caught On Camera Looting 7-Eleven During Baltimore Riots
Chinese Hospitals Pegged for Corruption Were Also in Illicit Organ Trade
Judge: Police are conducting 3 MILLION “investigations’ of motorists every week!
Transparency? Acting TSA Chief Refuses to Discuss Airport Security Flaws With Congress
Hawaii Takes GMO Fight to Switzerland
ISIS Destroys 200-Year-Old Mosque
In Stunning U-Turn, NBC Retracts Story That Obama Lied About bin Laden
Absolute Proof Liberalism is a Mental Disorder
Witness To Physical Confrontation Involving Police Chief Speaks Out
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Iowa Man Arrested for Facebook Posts Calling for Murder of White Cops
Roomba Maker to Develop “Smart Robots” to Surveil Your Home
Hackers are draining bank accounts via the Starbucks app
California prison inspection uncovers unsanitary conditions
Obama Rips Fox: ‘We’re Going to Have to Change How the Media Reports’
72 killed in fire at footwear factory in Philippines
How Banks Did More Damage To Baltimore Than Rioters
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Former U.S. Government Official: U.S. Is ALREADY at War with China and Russia
Manslaughter Charge Against Black Officer in Gray Case Derails Race-based Agenda in Baltimore
Maybe Christianity In America Is Dying Because It’s Boring Everyone To Death
You might have read all of the reports yesterday talking about the latest “Christians in America” survey. Spoiler: it ain’t good. There are fewer self-identified Christians today than there were last year, or the year before, or the year before. And the downward trend continues.
In fact, as I say here, it’s actually worse than that, because many of the self-identified Christians who remain aren’t actually Christian at all. So, yeah, it’s bad.
But the question is: what do we do about it?
I have one theory. And I hope you read and understand what I’m saying here. I think that Christianity in America has become boring. Most church services are boring. When people talk about Christianity, they’re boring. They make the whole thing seem flimsy and boring. We aren’t captivating people. We aren’t stirring them. We aren’t engaging them.
I give one microcosmic example of this. I went to a service recently that embodied this problem. Terrible “modern” music, overly casual atmosphere, bland, innocuous, desperately “hip” sermon. The whole thing.
It was unfortunate for many reasons, not the least of which, it was boring. It was boring and it has no excuse to be, because the reality of Christianity — the reality of the universe itself — is something so ferocious, enthralling, terrifying, and joyful that nobody could be bored by it if only it was communicated to them. If only Christians behaved as warriors in the midst of a great spiritual battle — which is what we are — rather than meek little whimpering pansies, which is what many of us have become.
So I think we regain ground by making Christianity into what it is: something that is anything but boring. And when I say make it not boring, I don’t mean add more pyrotechnics and more modern flare to our church services. I mean the opposite. The exact opposite.
Anyway, just read:
The post Maybe Christianity In America Is Dying Because It’s Boring Everyone To Death appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
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Edward Bernays And The Red Pill-You Will Never See Media The Same Way Again
Mike Adams, the health Ranger’s opening salvo to his most recent article, Mind control through emotional domination: How we’re all being manipulated by the “crisis of the NOW”, starts like this…
What you’re about to read here is a revealing look at the psychological mechanism presently being used by government and media to achieve near-absolute control over the population. I’m calling the concept the “crisis of the NOW,” and understanding this is a lot like taking the RED pill. The “crisis of the now” involves an incessant, strategic bombardment of the population with a never-ending stream of contrived crises that demand immediate attention in the present.
For most Americans the idea that someone or some group of people are behind the actual creation of news events that are then fed to the mass media distribution machine is delusional and wildly unsubstantiated.
Most Americans have never read about Edward Bernays- the father of modern propaganda or Public Relations, as it became known. Consider the following passage from his book Propaganda written in 1928…
The political leader must be a creator of circumstances, not only a creature of mechanical processes of stereotyping and rubber-stamping. Let us suppose that he is campaigning on a low tariff platform. He may use the modern mechanism of the radio to spread his views, but he will almost certainly use the psychological method of approach which was old in Andrew Jackson’s day, and which business has largely discarded. He will say over the radio: “Vote for me and low tariff, because the high tariff increases the cost of the things you buy.” He may, it is true, have the great advantage of being able to speak by radio directly to fifty million listeners. But he is making an old-fashioned approach. He is arguing with them. He is assaulting, single-handed, the resistance of inertia.
If he were a propagandist, on the other hand, although he would still use the radio, he would use it as one instrument of a well-planned strategy. Since he is campaigning on the issue of a low tariff, he not merely would tell people that the high tariff increases the cost of the things they buy, but would create circumstances which would make his contention dramatic and self-evident. He would perhaps stage a low-tariff exhibition simultaneously in twenty cities, with exhibits illustrating the additional cost due to the tariff in force. He would see that these exhibitions were ceremoniously inaugurated by prominent men and women who were interested in a low tariff apart from any interest in his personal political fortunes. He would have groups, whose interests were especially affected by the high cost of living, institute an agitation for lower schedules. He would dramatize the issue, perhaps by having prominent men boycott woolen clothes, and go to important functions in cotton suits, until the wool schedule was reduced. He might get the opinion of social workers as to whether the high cost of wool endangers the health of the poor in winter.
In whatever ways he dramatized the issue the attention of the public would be attracted to the question before he addressed them personally. Then, when he spoke to his millions of listeners on the radio, he would not be seeking to force an argument down the throats of a public thinking of other things and annoyed by another demand on its attention; on the contrary, he would be answering the spontaneous questions and expressing the emotional demands of a public already keyed to a certain pitch of interest in the subject.
This is really a stunning quote about propaganda techniques because it deals with the manipulation of events as stagecraft for the express purpose of swaying the public. Events and activities must be created in order to put ideas into circulation, however these activities are actually inauthentic, and staged. To the casual observer they appear as organic concerns emanating from other groups or forces in society that demand respect and consideration.
Back in 1928, most Americans would never have dreamed the public stage was co-opted and manipulated in this fashion.
As Adams states, understanding the principles of how to sway public opinion in the masses is like taking the red pill, a reference to the Matrix movie. You will never see the media in the same light again and there is no going back-all events pushed by the media become suspect.
Read Mike’s Article Here:
If you read the article and think Mike is off his rocker, read Bernays’ Propaganda Book for FREE online and then tell me what you think.
Here is a general video about Edward Bernays life and philosophy.
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Pseudo Science as Propaganda
A Science As Propaganda Moment For Dr Ben
Frankly, I’m with Dr. Ben Carson on this one. A while back, Chuck Todd tried to throw Carson a curve ball asking him how he reconciles science with his faith. In his answer Dr. Ben stated that maybe some things aren’t really science at all but propaganda. Of course the media went haywire misconstruing his statement and presuming him to be an idiot.
So in support of Dr. Ben, I want to give you yet another example of propaganda masquerading as glorified science.
“The lives of nearly 200 New Yorkers would be spared every year if the U.S. Environmental Protection agency follows through with regulations that dramatically reduce the toxic byproducts spewed into the air by the nation’s power plants.” ran the first line in a May 5th article by the Buffalo News.
Touted as a first-of-its-kind paper, Charles T. Driscoll, one of the authors of the study, said they are hoping to “change the conversation”. What conversation you ask? The conversation about climate change- found to be hopeless laboring at the bottom of the list of things that Americans care most about. If Americans can’t be browbeaten to care about climate change (yawn that’s been around for a millennia), now they can be browbeaten or shamed for ignoring the plight of other human beings.
The sage of the white house declared during the gun control debate that if we have the power to save even one life we are compelled to act. Obamacratic logic, a bastardized version of real Socratic logic will no doubt be employed to deceive the public into accepting draconian EPA regulations. In fact, Brian Smith of citizen’s Campaign for the Environment let the cat out of the bag as he gushed “When the public recognizes this action will indeed save the lives of thousands and thousands of Americans every year-that’s compelling”.
Paramedics Save Lives: The EPA-Not So Much
Paramedics save lives, EPA regulations on the other hand ……I’m not convinced. The authors of the study would have you believe that carbon pollution is one of the choices on a death certificate like say stroke, cancer or pneumonia; or that when someone walks into a doctor’s office with asthma, carbon pollution can be selected in a drop down menu as the cause of the present illness.
Let’s say, ethics be damned, we wanted to create a controlled scientific study on the effects of carbon pollution on humans or at least one human, let’s call him Bob. Let’s lock Bob up in a 50 x 50 room, carefully control the air quality, allow him food and water and give him some sort of menial labor to perform. We keep him there for 10 years and then he has a heart attack. Even a pre-doctoral student can tell you that a definitive conclusion that air quality caused the heart attack would be erroneous.
Perhaps he had an underlying health condition that if treated could have prevented the heart attack or maybe the culprit was his family genes, equally compelling alternative explanations could be lack of exercise, poor diet or stress from being confined for so long without social companionship.
Even within a tightly controlled study, researchers would be hard pressed to determine causality.
Correlation Can Never Determine Causality
Because we can’t lock Bob up, the next best thing to do would be to run large-scale correlation studies that compare health indices with carbon indices. Create some assumptions plug them into a predictive model and viola- carbon pollution causes death, respiratory illness, heart attacks and a huge health care burden. The devilish political elite know that you will not be able to remember research 101 and the foundation principle that correlation can never determine causality.
Or stated another way, even though carbon emissions may have been increasing in certain populations at the same time that respiratory illnesses were reported as increasing does not mean at that carbon emissions caused the increase in respiratory illnesses. Something quite unrelated may be the actual cause.
They are banking on the fact that you’ve already forgotten the broken predictive model that necessitated changing the alarmist-marketing message of “Global Warming” to “Climate Change”. The con-men can now move out from under the “Save the planet” banner and re-unite under a new banner in the fight to save lives and shame you for your lack of compassion toward fellow human beings with this latest pseudo-scientific agit-prop.
Follow the Money and the Models-“Scientific Models” That Is
In addition what would you say if you found out the predictive model used in this study came directly from the EPA? It is erroneously called a benefit map (BenMap) because it links carbon pollution and health indices in a causal relationship.
Finally let’s turn over that last rock of fraudulence that this article rests on! The press release, issued from Harvard no less, announces the study as the first independent, peer reviewed paper of its kind, when in fact the authors are up to their ears in gobs of grant money from the EPA itself. Here are the numbers- Driscoll $3,654,609; Levy $9,514,391; Burtraw $1,991,346; and Schwartz (Harvard) $31,176,575. The total is not far shy of $50 million.
So far the first independent peer reviewed research paper is looking like nothing more than pseudo science: The EPA commissioning and financing a study that uses its’ own data with no doubt layers of questionable assumptions, to produce “evidence” that imagined cost savings and direct health benefits that borderline on fanciful published with impeccable timing a perfect 3 months before the eagerly anticipated finalization of the aggressive EPA Climate Action Plan.
These “hard facts” will now be touted throughout the media to influence you at a time when public scrutiny and attitudes are most relevant.
This, my friends is exactly what Ben Carson meant by science as propaganda.
The Study
Hat tip to Lord Monckton and Hard Nox revelation about EPA grant funding
Harvard Press Release
Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program – Community Edition (BenMAP-CE)
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Two Approaches toward Nationalism
Despite a difficult history, Scotland and England have approached their modern differences within the democratic process – with Scottish nationalists sweeping recent parliamentary elections – but Israel has chosen cruel repression toward the Palestinians leading to a very different result, says ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar.
By Paul R. Pillar
Two national elections during the past two months embody two different approaches to handling nationalist aspirations of subject populations, with two very different results.
One of the biggest story lines of this week’s election result in the United Kingdom was the success of the Scottish National Party, which greatly increased its representation at Westminster by winning 56 of the 59 parliamentary seats in Scotland. Had the Labour Party won a plurality, the SNP very likely would have been a critical part of Labour’s support, whether inside or outside a governing coalition. As it is, the SNP will occupy a major share of the opposition benches, a position it will use to press issues of special interest to Scotland.
Wanted Poster of the Palestine Police Force offering rewards for the capture of Stern Gang terrorists: 1. Jaacov Levstein (Eliav), 2. Yitzhak Yezernitzky (Shamir), 3. Natan Friedman-Yelin
The SNP’s electoral success this week represents a continuation of a peaceful process of expressing Scottish nationalism and using political power to press the nationalist cause. Another major event in that process came last September with a referendum on Scottish independence. Enough Scots decided they would be better off remaining in the union for the “no” side to win that vote. But the referendum was the product of a negotiated agreement with the government in London, and there is every reason to believe that the government would be honoring the result if the outcome of the referendum had been different.
In short, Scottish nationalism, as well as the principle of self-determination, has been treated with respect by the English who hold most of the political power in Britain, notwithstanding how much most English may believe that sundering the United Kingdom would be a big mistake for everyone, or how much they may be annoyed by Scottish demands. And it is no accident that today the English do not live in fear of some Scottish terrorist group wreaking violence in the name of Scottish independence.
The British have had substantial experience with nationalist violence in lands under their control. Irish nationalism was a prominent example, first about a century ago involving the entire island of Ireland, and later in the form of terrorism by the Provisional Irish Republican Army centered on Ulster.
The first wave of violence ended with the negotiated establishment of an independent Irish Free State. The second wave ended with another negotiated accord, known as the Good Friday Agreement, that provided for power-sharing in Northern Ireland and is generally considered a success.
Between those two waves of Irish violence, Britain was beset by violence in Palestine, perpetrated most notably by Menachem Begin’s Irgun and an offshoot group, the Stern Gang, both of which conducted terrorist attacks in the name of establishing a Jewish state. Another future Israeli prime minister and one of the leaders of the Stern Gang, Yitzhak Shamir, modeled his efforts on the Irish resistance and adopted the nom de guerre “Michael” after the Irish nationalist Michael Collins.
Britain did not seek to cling to Palestine indefinitely and, especially after the exhaustion of World War II, was only too happy to dump the problem into the lap of the United Nations. But Britain was still the power that, as a legacy of a League of Nations mandate, controlled Palestine, and Begin’s and Shamir’s terrorists pressed their violent campaign against British targets notwithstanding Britain’s fight against Nazi Germany.
The Stern Gang was created by Irgun members who wanted to continue anti-British attacks even during the war, and Irgun itself resumed its attacks well before the end of the war.
There is a direct organizational line from Irgun to what became the Herut party and later evolved into Likud, the party that won the largest share of seats in the election two months ago in Israel — the only one of the two states, one Jewish and one Arab, provided for in the UN partition plan for Palestine that ever came into existence.
This week the Likud leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, finished assembling a new government just before his deadline for doing so. The government is if anything even more hard-line right-wing than Netanyahu’s previous government. That means continuation of the policy of rejecting Palestinian nationalism and trying to suppress it forcefully. And that means no prospect for ending the tragic story of Israeli-Palestinian violence and all the disruptive oscillations it spreads throughout the Middle East and beyond.
Likely to be particularly influential in keeping Israel on this violent course is the far-right Jewish Home party, which takes second place to no one in its determination to keep the occupied West Bank under Israeli control forever. Because Jewish Home was able to drive a hard bargain while Netanyahu was trying to stitch together enough of a coalition to get a bare majority in the Knesset, it got key ministries that will help it to prevent any deviation from its preferred policies regarding the territories.
One of those ministries is agriculture, which controls funding for settlements and will be headed by one of the most fervent Israeli proponents of expanding settlements in the West Bank. Jewish Home also is furnishing the justice minister, a notorious figure whose hateful anti-Palestinian statements have bordered on calling for genocide.
This is a very different approach to handling the nationalist aspirations of a subject population than we have seen with the English and Scots, and the results have been very different. Close off peaceful channels for pursuing and realizing such aspirations, and violent channels are the only ones left.
The difference in the two cases is not due to something in the nature or habits of the subject population. Scots showed plenty of feistiness and antagonism in violent confrontations with the English dating back to the days of William Wallace (played on film by Mel Gibson) and Robert the Bruce. The difference has been in the policies of those with the power.
One can imagine an alternative history in which English rulers endeavored to the present day to subjugate the Scots, to deny them political rights, and to seize and settle on their land. Scottish terrorist groups would be an inevitable part of such a history.
Also likely to be part of it would be a rebuilding and reinforcement of Hadrian’s Wall in an effort to defend against such terrorism, and the persistence of a miserable and costly military occupation in Scotland. All of Great Britain would be a far less congenial and civilized place than the sceptred isle we know today.
Policy choices on such matters can be made, and the choices that are made have major consequences.
Paul R. Pillar, in his 28 years at the Central Intelligence Agency, rose to be one of the agency’s top analysts. He is now a visiting professor at Georgetown University for security studies. (This article first appeared as a blog post at The National Interest’s Web site. Reprinted with author’s permission.)