Friday, January 23, 2015

The Controversy Rages Over American Sniper-Was Kyle A Hero, A Tool Or Worse?

Everyone has an opinion  Learn more about Kyle's life the history of propaganda by the pentagon and weight in with your own thoughts.

While the tweets are flying from the left and from the right about the newly released hit movie, American Sniper, it seems clear that the movie intended to memorialize Chris Kyle in a way that is not true to reality. As I watched the movie, I could not help think that it had the feel of a hyped one-sided account of a human life that left the confusing contradictions and messy details of reality out of view...

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015- A Year to Wake Up And Take Action

2015 is here and history is going to be made this year.  I am dedicating myself to reach as many people as possible with the message of propaganda literacy. To shout from the highest rooftops to wake up the masses. Time is growing short but the slumbering are beginning to stir.

Are you one of the uninformed masses upon which propaganda methods are used over and over again with astounding success? Learn about the history of propaganda in America and Edward Bernays' role in it.

Come on- Do you wonder why things are happening in the world? Many things seem upside down- start looking for answers today, rouse your mind to take action.