Thursday, March 31, 2016

Introducing Our Newest Feature: Video Interviews

Dear Readers, In an effort to expand our outreach and provide a deeper context for our articles, we are pleased to introduce the newest feature of video interviews with our “exclusive” article contributors. Our most recent video interviews include discussions with Robert Parry…

How US-Backed War on Syria Helped ISIS

By funneling TOW missiles and other weapons to Syrian jihadists for their “regime change” war, President Obama facilitated the rise of the Islamic State with the terrorist blowback now hitting Europe, says Daniel Lazare. By Daniel Lazare Why are Islamic militants…

Derailing Peace Deal in Colombia

Exclusive: A resurgence of drug-connected right-wing terrorism in Colombia has undercut a historic peace deal between the government and the main leftist rebel group, writes Jonathan Marshall. By Jonathan Marshall Cuban and U.S. leaders overcame immense obstacles to end more…

U.S. Troops on Russia’s Borders

Official Washington’s hype about “Russian aggression” has cloaked a U.S. military buildup on Russia’s borders, possibly increasing risks of escalation and even world war, explains ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. Pillar U.S. military deployments to Eastern Europe are…

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Pakistan’s Ticking Nuclear Time Bomb

Exclusive: Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal remains a top global security threat, as Islamic jihadists penetrate many of the nation’s political, educational and military institutions, says Jonathan Marshall. By Jonathan Marshall Dozens of world leaders are arriving in Washington, D. C. for…

Reagan’s Bargain/Charlie Wilson’s War

From the Archive: The threat from Pakistan’s nukes began with Ronald Reagan’s deal trading U.S. acquiescence for Pakistani help organizing Islamist militants to fight Soviets in Afghanistan, wrote ex-CIA analyst Peter W. Dickson in 2008. By Peter W. Dickson (Originally published Jan. 6,…

A ‘Silent Coup’ for Brazil?

Brazil and other Latin American progressive governments are on the defensive as U.S.-backed political movements employ “silent coup” tactics to discredit and remove troublesome leaders, writes Ted Snider. By Ted Snider Brazil keeps its coups quiet (or at least quieter…

Selling Out Palestinian Rights

Hillary Clinton and other Democrats have led the way in abandoning principles of human rights, democracy and rule of law by pandering to Israel and its powerful lobby, explains Lawrence Davidson. By Lawrence Davidson In early March, Professor Richard Falk,…

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Choice of Justice John Marshall

Putting in context President Obama naming a Supreme Court justice in his last year was the case of John Marshall, one of the Supreme Court greats, chosen just weeks before a new president took office, William John Cox recalls. By William John…

The Trump-Clinton Dilemma

As buffoonish billionaire Donald Trump undergoes full-scale demonization, the political/media establishment is making Hillary Clinton the heroine of the stop-Trump drama, but who is really more dangerous, asks John Pilger. By John Pilger A virulent if familiar censorship is about…

Obama in Arabia

Like his predecessors, President Obama is putting cozy ties with the Saudi royals ahead of telling the truth to the American people about the Saudi role in 9/11, writes 9/11 widow Kristen Breitweiser. By Kristen Breitweiser Why does President Obama…

Monday, March 28, 2016

Bernie Sanders as Commander-in-Chief

Exclusive: Tulsi Gabbard, a Hawaii congresswoman and Iraq War veteran, stars in a stunning ad endorsing Bernie Sanders as “Commander-in-Chief,” a potential turning point in the Democratic race, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry Sen. Bernie Sanders’s landslide victories in…

Cutting Off Syrian Rebels’ Weapons

Finally, the Obama administration may be demanding that its Mideast allies stop smuggling arms to jihadist rebels in Syria, a move that makes a negotiated settlement possible, says Gareth Porter. By Gareth Porter When Russian President Vladimir Putin had a substantive meeting…

Explaining Belgium’s Vulnerabilities

Brussels is called the capital of Europe but it also the capital of an ethnically and politically divided Belgium that has made it an easy target for Islamic extremists, writes Gilbert Doctorow. By Gilbert Doctorow In the immediate aftermath of…

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Pentagon’s Budget Time Bomb

With plans for military spending on a new Cold War — as well as on old fears about terrorism — spinning out of control, the next U.S. president will face a budgetary time bomb, explains Chuck Spinney. By Chuck Spinney Pentagon…

Groveling Before AIPAC

The recent AIPAC meeting brought four of the five remaining presidential candidates – all except Bernie Sanders – to Washington to grovel at the feet of the Israel lobby, a depressing scene, says ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R.…

Friday, March 25, 2016

Kerry Balks at Supplying MH-17 Data

Exclusive: The father of a young American killed aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in 2014 says Secretary of State Kerry balks at turning over U.S. data that Kerry cited three days after the tragedy in eastern Ukraine, writes Robert Parry.…

Deadly Blowback from Neo-Imperial Wars

Exclusive: The E.U.’s crisis – with the post-World War II project to unify Europe spinning apart amid economic stress, refugees and terrorism – can be traced back to E.U./U.S. neo-imperial wars in the Arab world, says Jonathan Marshall. By Jonathan Marshall…

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Obama’s Foreign-Policy Self-Enslavement

Exclusive: President Obama may have seen his refusal to bomb Syria in 2013 as his “liberation day” from Official Washington’s expectations, but he promptly put himself back into captivity, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry In late August 2013, with…

Donald Trump Is Winning Because Millions Of Christians Have Abandoned Their Faith

Late last night, Donald Trump took to Twitter to basically call Cruz’s wife ugly. Not the worst thing he has done, but it is yet another episode that makes you stop and think, “Wow, and this is the guy millions of Christians support.”

There are many, many, many, many things that make Trump totally unacceptable to Christians who understand, and are serious about, their faith. But, as we’ve discovered, so few Christians fit into that category. The fact is, Donald Trump is rising because true Christianity in America is declining. There’s no other way around it.

So, rather than just point this out, I wanted to try to dig a little deeper. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that there are two particular heresies, popular among many Christians, that Trump has been able to exploit for political gain.

The first is the heresy that our faith should be compartmentalized and separated from the rest of our lives, particularly as it pertains to politics. You hear this from guys like Jerry Falwell when they justify their support for Trump by saying we aren’t supposed to elect a “pastor in chief.” To these people, applying our faith anywhere outside of a church building is somehow dangerous.

The second heresy is the Prosperity Gospel advanced by guys like Joel Osteen. The Prosperity Gospel is one of the most common and most damaging heresies today, and it has proven to be a huge boon for Trump’s campaign:

The post Donald Trump Is Winning Because Millions Of Christians Have Abandoned Their Faith appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

Obama’s Curious Interview

Exclusive: President Obama’s out-of-school interview with The Atlantic has provided more questions than answers, including why Obama publicly unloaded on erstwhile U.S. allies – and why to a clueless neocon, asks Daniel Lazare. By Daniel Lazare Jeffrey Goldberg’s 20,000-word interview-cum-profile…

Should Progressives Back Sanders?

Though Bernie Sanders – as a “democratic socialist” – is the most progressive presidential candidate in years, some progressives are rejecting his campaign because he doesn’t go far enough, a stance that Rick Sterling rejects. By Rick Sterling In the past…

The Risk of Overreacting to Terror

Republicans are denouncing President Obama for not reacting to the Brussels terror attacks by dropping everything and rushing back to Washington, but ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar says overreacting can be a bigger mistake. By Paul R. Pillar Reactions in…

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

US Intel Vets Warn Against Torture

Exclusive: Experienced intelligence professionals reaffirm that torture – while popular with “tough” politicians – doesn’t work in getting accurate and actionable information, says ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern. By Ray McGovern To those living “outside the Beltway” it may seem counterintuitive…

Robert Parry Discusses the “AIPAC ‘Pander-off'”

Consortiumnews’ Assistant Editor Chelsea Gilmour interviewed Robert Parry regarding his recently published article, The Clinton/Trump AIPAC ‘Pander-Off’. The following video is a recording of their discussion. Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in…

Our Spring Fund Goal: $25,000

From Editor Robert Parry: We’re setting our spring fundraising goal at $25,000, which will include the costs of overcoming the “dedicated denial of service” cyber-attack that shut down the site for a week earlier this month. Thanks to some outside technical…

Sanders Tip-toes in Criticizing Israel

Exclusive: Sen. Sanders ventured hesitantly down the scary path of criticizing Israel, but even his timid approach looked heroic compared to the pro-Israel pandering from Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, says Joe Lauria. By Joe Lauria Bernie Sanders supporters appeared…

US Media Hid Al Qaeda’s Syria Role

When Russian airstrikes began in Syria, the U.S. media falsely claimed President Putin had promised to hit only ISIS and instead attacked “moderate” rebels, but the dirty secret was that those rebels were working with Al Qaeda, writes Gareth Porter.…

Two Democrats Who Should Go

Business-as-usual Democrats are thrilled that Hillary Clinton finally appears headed toward her long-predicted coronation, but Bill Moyers and Michael Winship recommend that she first join in ousting two of her biggest backers. By Bill Moyers and Michael Winship There are…

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Clinton/Trump AIPAC ‘Pander-Off’

Exclusive: While Sen. Sanders stressed the need for a nuanced approach to the Middle East, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump competed to see who could avow their love for Israel more ardently, reports Robert Parry. By Robert Parry At the…

Start of a New World War

Propaganda about Russian and Chinese “aggression” has cloaked the reality of the U.S. and the West moving aggressively to encircle both countries, the start of a new world war, says John Pilger. By John Pilger I have been filming in the…

Monday, March 21, 2016

Obama’s Break with the Establishment

Exclusive: President Obama, with his characteristic diffidence, has announced his “liberation” from the Washington foreign-policy “playbook,” but the national security elite is already striking back, writes Gareth Porter. By Gareth Porter The biggest story in Jeffrey Goldberg’s 20,000-word report on “The Obama…

Misunderstanding the Terror Threat

By jumping into wars wherever some group calls itself “Islamic State,” the U.S. government misunderstands the threat and feeds the danger of endless warfare, explains ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. Pillar A couple of unfortunate ways of…

Sunday, March 20, 2016

An Ugly Smear Campaign

Exclusive: A Zionist group bought a full-page New York Times ad to demonize Sidney and Max Blumenthal as “anti-Semites” and to demand that Hillary Clinton renounce them, a revival of a crude McCarthyism, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry An…

Censoring Palestinian Maps

When Zionists denounced a text book with maps showing historical Palestine, McGraw-Hill quickly caved, even destroying the copies in inventory, a victory for ideological censorship, writes Lawrence Davidson. By Lawrence Davidson What is the difference between a textbook publisher giving into…

The Fallacy of ‘Humanitarian’ War

The new excuse for U.S. imperial wars is “humanitarian” or “liberal” interventionism with Hillary Clinton and other proponents citing noble motives for destroying foreign societies, as ex-CIA official Graham E. Fuller discusses. By Graham E. Fuller Rajan Menon’s new book,…

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Will We Miss President Obama?

Exclusive: President Obama doesn’t take on Official Washington’s powerful neocons head-on, but he does drag his heels on some of their crazy schemes, which is better than America can expect from Hillary Clinton, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry From a “realist” perspective,…

To Cuba with Hate

By traveling to Cuba and easing the embargo, President Obama signals reduced U.S. hostility but no apologies for the cruelty that Washington has inflicted on the Caribbean island for more than half a century, says William Blum. By William Blum The CIA’s…

US Hypocritical Lectures to Cuba

U.S. officials love to lecture Cuba about its human rights flaws, but – in many ways – Cuba offers equal or better protection of human rights than does the United States, says Marjorie Cohn. By Marjorie Cohn In advance of…

Friday, March 18, 2016

Behind the Crimea/Russia Reunion

Exclusive: Official Washington marches in propaganda lockstep about Crimea’s decision to rejoin Russia two years ago, with references to a Russian “invasion” and a “sham” referendum of Crimea’s voters, but the reality is different, says ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern. By Ray McGovern…

Obama’s Plea for Validation

President Obama’s lengthy interviews with a neocon journalist from an establishment magazine suggest Obama is still searching futilely for Official Washington’s blessings on his somewhat “realist” foreign policy, writes Michael Brenner. By Michael Brenner The Atlantic has just published a long…

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Catch-22 of Closing Gitmo

President Obama’s plan to close Guantanamo – even if it could be implemented – would still leave several dozen detainees in the legal limbo as “non-releasable,” albeit inside U.S. prisons, as Helen Schietinger explains. By Helen Schietinger The lineup of…

Putin’s Hardheaded ‘Realism’ on Syria

By intervening in defense of the Syrian government and then pulling back Russian forces, President Putin has revealed himself to be a foreign policy “realist” who avoids ideological quagmires, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar notes. By Paul R. Pillar…

How Propaganda Feeds War on Syria

Western propaganda against countries targeted for “regime change” can be especially insidious because mainstream journalists abandon skepticism and go with the flow, such as the case of Syrian “torture” photos, writes Rick Sterling. There has been a pattern of sensational but…

Trump’s Troubling Choice of Sessions

Donald Trump has named Alabama Sen. Sessions to lead his foreign policy team, disappointing some “realists” who hoped Trump would turn his back on the neocon-dominated establishment, explains Gilbert Doctorow. By Gilbert Doctorow I imagine many anti-war colleagues will choke…

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Ever-Curiouser MH-17 Case

Exclusive: The shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine has served as a potent propaganda club against Russia but the U.S. government is hiding key evidence that could solve the mystery, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry The curious mystery surrounding…

The Crazy GOP Establishment

The Republican establishment likes to pretend that it is the responsible alternative to Donald Trump, but that self-image doesn’t match reality, as Bill Moyers and Michael Winship describe. By Bill Moyers and Michael Winship From their “Dark Money” bagman Karl…

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

We Should Not Forget About The Cowardly Conservative Leaders Who Betrayed Us

A movement needs leaders, and those leaders need to be principled and trustworthy. When they reveal themselves to be cowards or frauds, when they sell out the very movement they’re supposed to be leading, it behooves the rest of us to remember their betrayals. It’s not that we should seek revenge or hold onto our grudges, but we should be prudent. We should not trust, listen to, or take the advice and guidance of people who’ve shown themselves to be interested more in money and ratings than truth.

So, as much as I didn’t want to write this, here is my new piece which explains why conservatives must reject the leadership of those who turned their backs on the cause for Trump’s sake, and also calls many of the turncoats out by name. It probably is not good for my career to criticize by name the very people who could help me advance my career if I sucked up to them, but honestly, at this point, I don’t care.

Of course, there are others I didn’t name here. I would take me 40 pages to list them all. But I wanted to make sure I made special mention of the very famous and trusted name like Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, Matt Drudge, Laura Ingraham, etc. And particularly some of the influential Christian figures like Jerry Falwell Jr and Robert Jeffress. There are others called out in this piece as well. These are people who’ve made enormous amounts of money on the trust of conservatives like myself. But the moment they had to choose between the money and the trust, they took the money.

For our own sake and for the sake of the principles we believe in, we cannot forget what they’ve done:


The post We Should Not Forget About The Cowardly Conservative Leaders Who Betrayed Us appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

Hillary’s Link to Honduran Violence

Little mentioned in the Democratic campaign is Hillary Clinton’s role in supporting a 2009 coup in Honduras that contributed to a human rights crisis, including the recent murder of a renowned environmental activist, writes Marjorie Cohn. By Marjorie Cohn A…

Putin Shuns Syrian ‘Quagmire’

Exclusive: Gambling that President Obama will cooperate in seeking peace for Syria, Russian President Putin called back much of Russia’s military force dispatched to Syria last fall, writes ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern. By Ray McGovern Russian President Vladimir Putin’s abrupt…

Risks in Putin’s Syria Withdrawal

Exclusive: After helping Syria’s army push back jihadist rebels, Russian President Putin says he will begin withdrawing Russian forces, raising new questions about Syria’s future, writes Joe Lauria. By Joe Lauria Russian President Vladimir Putin’s surprise announcement to withdraw most…

Monday, March 14, 2016

Kerry’s Secret War Plan for Syria

Secretary of State Kerry urged President Obama to launch secret missile attacks inside Syria without admitting the U.S. role, a plan that Obama rejected, according to a new report cited by Gareth Porter. By Gareth Porter Jeffrey Goldberg’s newly published book-length…

What’s the Matter with John Kerry?

From the Archive: As a young warrior and senator, John Kerry stood up to politicians who spread propaganda that got people killed. But, as a Secretary of State in his 70s, Kerry has become what he once challenged, Robert Parry reported in 2014.…

Trump and a Clash of Values

Donald Trump’s harsh rhetoric, including threats against Muslims for their religious affiliation, has prompted clashes at his rallies and raised freedom of speech issues, writes Nat Parry. By Nat Parry Election 2016 has taken a turn into territory unfamiliar and…

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Obama, the Hesitant ‘Realist’

President Obama has come partially out of the closet as a foreign policy “realist,” but he hesitates in the face of Official Washington’s neocon establishment, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar explains. By Paul R. Pillar Jeffrey Goldberg’s long article in…

Dangers from Pesticides

Intensive use of pesticides in California and other agricultural centers presents a risk to farmworkers and their families that is still only dimly understood, writes Dennis J Bernstein. By Dennis J Bernstein Industrialized Agriculture is addicted to chemistry in the…

Saturday, March 12, 2016

In Case You Missed…

Some of our special stories in February focused on the early U.S. presidential race, the continuing U.S.-Russian tensions, and the bloodletting in Syria. “Feeding the Military-Industrial Complex” by Jonathan Marshall, Feb. 1, 2016 “Hillary Clinton’s ‘Progressive’ Persona” by Jeff Cohen,…

Friday, March 11, 2016

The Electoral Choice from Hell

The prospect of a Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump general election is nightmarish for Americans who see Clinton as a warmonger and Trump as a demagogue, but William Blum sees Trump as the lesser danger. By William Blum If the…

Hillary’s Double-Standard on Protests

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton is lecturing Donald Trump on the need to respect protesters but – in 2011 – she did nothing to stop police from brutalizing a silent protester at one of her speeches, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry Hillary…

Clinton’s Email Hypocrisy

Hillary Clinton imposed a double-standard on emails as Secretary of State, one for her underlings and one for herself, and now she’s using double-talk to excuse her behavior, writes Bart Gruzalski. By Bart Gruzalski Hillary Clinton’s smooth-talking subterfuges about her…

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Neocons Red-Faced Over ‘Red Line’

Exclusive: Official Washington’s neocons love to condemn President Obama for not enforcing his “red line” after a sarin attack in Syria in 2013, even though one neocon now admits that U.S. intelligence lacked the proof, writes Robert Parry. By Robert…

Turkey’s Path to Dictatorship

Throttling Turkey’s democracy, President Erdogan seized an opposition newspaper that dared reveal his clandestine arming of jihadists seeking to overthrow neighboring Syria, as Alon Ben-Meir explains. By Alon Ben-Meir Only a few months after Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan raided…

Netanyahu’s Loosening Grip

Pandering to Israel has been a long-revered rule of U.S. politics, but Donald Trump’s refusal has shown that Israel’s grip on American policymaking is weakening, writes Lawrence Davidson. By Lawrence Davidson On March 3, Chemi Shaley, the U.S. correspondent for…

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Two Corrupt Establishments

Exclusive: The insurgent campaigns of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have staggered Official Washington’s twin corrupt establishments on the Republican and Democratic sides, but what happens next, asks Robert Parry. By Robert Parry The United States is led by two…

Trump’s Fear of a ‘Brokered’ Convention

Exclusive: The Republican establishment’s last-ditch battle to stop Donald Trump may come down to whether convention rules can be rewritten, as ex-CIA analyst Peter W. Dickson explains. By Peter W. Dickson The spectacle of a deadlocked Republican convention and perhaps…

Taking Aim at Russia’s ‘Underbelly’

Exclusive: While loudly complaining about “Russian aggression,” the U.S. government escalates plans for encircling Russia in a modern “Great Game,” writes Jonathan Marshall. By Jonathan Marshall Two hundred years after the “Great Game” for domination of Central Asia began with the…

Neocons Sulk over Iran Nuke Deal

Official Washington’s neocons, who wanted so much to “bomb-bomb-bomb” Iran, are now sulking as the nuclear agreement isn’t producing the horrors that they predicted, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar notes. By Paul R. Pillar One of the arguments recited most…

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Honduras Killing Field

The murder of prominent Honduras environmental activist Berta Caceres recalls Hillary Clinton’s role in supporting a right-wing coup in 2009 that ousted an elected progressive president and turned Honduras into a killing field, writes Dennis J Bernstein. By Dennis J…

Why GOP Bigwigs Fear Trump

A desperate Republican establishment is going all out to stop Donald Trump who has rallied the GOP “base” that the bigwigs have long manipulated and sold out, explains ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. Pillar The Donald Trump phenomenon and…

Geithner Gets Morgan-Chase Gravy

Despite the 2008 Wall Street crash and government promises of reform, the old back-scratching ways of special favors and influence are again in vogue – as if they were ever out of style, writes JP Sottile. By JP Sottile You’ve…

Sleepwalking Toward Catastrophe

Because the mainstream U.S. media remains neocon-dominated, there has been little rational debate about the risks of stumbling into nuclear war with Russia, as James W Carden writes. By James W Carden One question that the no-doubt intrepid debate moderators…

A Campaign Sinking to New Lows

The Republican presidential campaign has reached new lows for crassness, but Michael Winship sees something more sinister lurking in the ugliness. By Michael Winship For a politician or a journalist, there was a time when citing the classics — as…

Clinton Stalls on Goldman Sachs Speeches

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton has judged that she can wait out public calls for her to release the transcripts of speeches to Goldman Sachs, which earned her $675,000 in 2013, since she expects to soon wrap up the Democratic presidential nomination,…

Creating Russia/China Bogeymen

Relying on the most unreliable propaganda, Washington’s foreign policy establishment is seeking massive new military spending to counter Russian and Chinese “aggression” — when a more sober analysis would show these “threats” to be wildly exaggerated, as Gilbert Doctorow explains.…

Clinton Still Hides Her Speeches

After serving as Secretary of State and before starting her run for President, Hillary Clinton amassed millions of dollars in speaking fees from big banks and corporate interests with business before the federal government – and she won’t say what…

Recovering from a Cyber-Attack

From Editor Robert Parry: Last week, we were told by IT experts that Consortiumnews was the apparent victim of a sophisticated “denial of service” attack that destroyed the site’s functionality by imposing so many commands on the system that it blocked…

In Order To Save America, We Must Legally Prevent Oblivious People From Voting

It’s very simple. When masses of oblivious, clueless, noncontributing people are allowed and actively encouraged to vote, the results are and have been disastrous. There is virtually no chance of anything positive happening when the people steering the ship are blind, drunk, and distracted.

Just look at the sort of ignoramuses we usually elect — and the ones we are threatening to elect — to major political offices. Compare that with the sort of men they elected back in the early decades of America, when few people had a say, and I think it becomes clear that we need fewer people to vote. High voter turnout does not equal better voting results.

So today I’m proposing a three point strategy to fix our voting process. None of this will ever happen, I realize, but I’m just trying to establish how things ought to be.

The centerpiece of my plan is to require that all voters take and pass a 5th grade civics exam. Again, there is NOTHING good that can come, or has come, of allowing adults who can’t name the branches of government to make decisions about who will populate those branches.

Another part of my plan is to grant the vote only to taxpaying citizens. If you are not paying into the system, you should not be allowed to determine how the system works. You should not be empowered to vote yourself money from a treasury you are not contributing to. The fact that we enable this sort of behavior is a travesty and an injustice. In fact it’s a form of taxation without representation, and it’s precisely the sort of thing the colonists revolted against.

What I’m saying here may seem outrageous to you, but remember that our Republic was never meant to be run by the lazy and the ignorant:


The post In Order To Save America, We Must Legally Prevent Oblivious People From Voting appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Finding Security by Helping the ‘South’

Official Washington’s new group think is that more money must be poured into the Military-Industrial Complex to continue wars in the Middle East and hem in Russia and China on their borders. But the real security threats come from mass dislocations in the Third World, says ex-CIA official Graham E. Fuller. By Graham E. Fuller […]