Sunday, January 31, 2016
Letting US ‘Lead’ Against Islamic State
‘Cut-out’ Anti-Drone Protest Brings Arrests
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Iraq War Albatross
The Dangerous Ideology of Religion
Lobbying’s Mile-High Plateau
Friday, January 29, 2016
A Russian Diplomat’s Take on the World
Hillary Clinton’s Own Petard
A Step Toward Campaign Transparency
Ukraine Merges Nazis and Islamists
Thursday, January 28, 2016
The country is falling apart and it’s your fault
I’m not one to pander to my audience. You might hate my guts — and maybe you’ll hate it even more after you read this — but hopefully you can at least give me that much.
And although I run the risk of alienating literally everyone with this piece, I hope you’ll give it a read anyway, because I’m trying to put into words something I’ve wanted to say for a longtime.
I think it’s time for accountability. I think it’s time we stop blaming the decline of our country on shadowy, vague, abstract groups of people, and start analyzing our own role. Here’s the reality: if we were better — if we made good choices (especially in the voting booth), if we paid attention, if we were more rational, wise, prudent and thoughtful — we wouldn’t be in this mess. Our culture is being destroyed not by outside forces, but by us. We have been in the process of committing a very drawn out act of mass suicide, and our final blow to ourselves might be this next presidential election.
The sad and horrifying reality is that we may well be looking at a Trump-Sanders or Trump-Clinton election. Out of all the available match ups, as it stands right now, we are on target to select the absolute worst ones for ourselves. We are on a path to give ourselves a choice only between one tyrant or another.
But, frustratingly, many people insist this isn’t our fault. Even folks who aren’t Trump/Sanders/Clinton supporters will often rationalize for those who are. They’ll say “people are angry” and “the establishment is corrupt” and “DC is blah blah whatever” as if any of these statements actually qualify as an excuse for people who would CHOOSE to vote for the most corrupt, tyrannical, anti-freedom, anti-Constitution candidates in the whole race. But this is how it always goes. I remember having the same conversations back in 2008. “You can’t blame Obama voters, they’re just fed up with politics as usual and yadda yadda blabber blabber.”
They’re fed up with politics as usual so they vote in one of the worst politicians in the history of this country? Stop acting like that makes sense. Stop acting like American voters are children who can’t be expected to think rationally. Stop excusing what is inexcusable.
There is no excuse. We do this to ourselves:
The post The country is falling apart and it’s your fault appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
Nazi Roots of Ukraine’s Conflict
Cheering a ‘Democratic’ Coup in Ukraine
Is Obama’s Drug Clemency a Mirage?
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
A Crazy Establishment Demands ‘Sanity’
Spinning US Voters to Stay Passive
Seeking Justice for Guatemalan Slaughter
Assessing a Murder Case Against Putin
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
The Iraq War’s Known Unknowns
The Limits of Jihadi Nihilism
Monday, January 25, 2016
US Abets Saudi War Crimes in Yemen
Yemen as Vietnam or Afghanistan
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Can US Break with Jihadist Allies?
Betting on the Wall Street Crash
Encountering a Sophisticated Putin
The Game of Demonizing Putin
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Learning to Love — and Use — the Bomb
Panicked Over the Trump Phenomenon
Islamic State’s Bloody Decline
Friday, January 22, 2016
Hillary Clinton Seeks Neocon Shelter
Neocons Flack for Unsavory Saudis
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Merkel’s Power Shaken by Refugee Crisis
Kerry Pressed for MH-17 Evidence
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Institutionalizing the US-Iran Detente
Jailing an Anti-Drone Protester
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Democrats in ‘Group Think’ Land
Toward a More Subtle US Foreign Policy
Turning Change into Chaos
A Reminder about Comment Rules
Dear Christians, If You Vote For A Godless Man, You Are Asking For Tyranny
We’ve long been suffering under incompetent and corrupt leadership, but we deserve no sympathy. We are not victims. Despite what we say about the “rigged” system, the truth is that we have this sort of government because we chose this sort of government. It’s really that simple. We flock to the polls and put morally bankrupt people in charge, and now we are morally (and financially) bankrupt nation. This ain’t calculus. It’s very straightforward. Don’t want tyranny? Stop electing tyrants.
My radical theory is that we should TRY as best we can to elect God fearing, morally centered leaders. Yes, you never know if someone is really a snake in the grass, but at the very least we should avoid supporting people who practically advertise their self-idolization.
I know this message will not resonate with secularists and atheists. But Christians ought to all agree. We Christians should do our very best to ensure we are supporting candidates who appear to be steadfast in their principles and their faith in God. Any who do not fit that description should be disqualified from consideration immediately, without exception.
In other words, Christians should not support Donald Trump. To support Donald Trump is to compromise your values and put politics ahead of the Gospel. It also means ignoring what is just plain old common sense:
The post Dear Christians, If You Vote For A Godless Man, You Are Asking For Tyranny appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.